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11 Kommentare - 2 Freunde
amin Die Giraffe hat mit dem Bär den Hut getauscht und der Bär mit dem Zebra das Halstuch.
- 31/01/2013 17:47
- 31/01/2013 17:47
amin not really
- 29/01/2013 21:40
- 29/01/2013 21:40
amin Vanitas! Vanitatum Vanitas!
- 29/01/2013 21:40
- 29/01/2013 21:40
amin It is more like a big ball of wibbely- wobbely, timey- wimey... stuff.
- 27/01/2013 12:10
- 27/01/2013 12:10
amin A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.
- 26/01/2013 19:26
- 26/01/2013 19:26
amin When you have excluded the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
- 25/01/2013 13:36
- 25/01/2013 13:36
amin Things are always happening to me. I'm that sort of bear.
- 24/01/2013 17:54
- 24/01/2013 17:54